2.3 — Simple Linear Regression

ECON 480 • Econometrics • Fall 2022

Dr. Ryan Safner
Associate Professor of Economics



Exploring Relationships

Quantifying Relationships

Linear Regression

Deriving OLS Estimators

Our Class Size Example in R

Exploring Relationships

Bivariate Data and Relationships I

  • We looked at single variables for descriptive statistics
  • Most uses of statistics in economics and business investigate relationships between variables


  • # of police & crime rates
  • healthcare spending & life expectancy
  • government spending & GDP growth
  • carbon dioxide emissions & temperatures

Bivariate Data and Relationships II

  • We will begin with bivariate data for relationships between \(X\) and \(Y\)

  • Immediate aim is to explore associations between variables, quantified with correlation and linear regression

  • Later we want to develop more sophisticated tools to argue for causation

Bivariate Data: Spreadsheets I

  • Rows are individual observations (countries)
  • Columns are variables on all individuals

Bivariate Data: Spreadsheets II

econfreedom %>%
Rows: 112
Columns: 6
$ ...1      <dbl> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 1…
$ Country   <chr> "Albania", "Algeria", "Angola", "Argentina", "Australia", "A…
$ ISO       <chr> "ALB", "DZA", "AGO", "ARG", "AUS", "AUT", "BHR", "BGD", "BEL…
$ ef        <dbl> 7.40, 5.15, 5.08, 4.81, 7.93, 7.56, 7.60, 6.35, 7.51, 6.22, …
$ gdp       <dbl> 4543.0880, 4784.1943, 4153.1463, 10501.6603, 54688.4459, 476…
$ continent <chr> "Europe", "Africa", "Africa", "Americas", "Oceania", "Europe…

Bivariate Data: Spreadsheets III

econfreedom %>%
  summary_table(ef, gdp)

Bivariate Data: Scatterplots I

ggplot(data = econfreedom)+
  aes(x = ef,
      y = gdp)+
  geom_point(aes(color = continent),
             size = 2)+
  labs(x = "Economic Freedom Index (2014)",
       y = "GDP per Capita (2014 USD)",
       color = "")+
  scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::dollar)+
  theme_pander(base_family = "Fira Sans Condensed",
  theme(legend.position = "bottom")

Bivariate Data: Scatterplots II

  • Look for association between independent and dependent variables
  1. Direction: is the trend positive or negative?

  2. Form: is the trend linear, quadratic, something else, or no pattern?

  3. Strength: is the association strong or weak?

  4. Outliers: do any observations deviate from the trends above?

Quantifying Relationships


  • For any two variables, we can measure their sample covariance, \(cov(X,Y)\) or \(s_{X,Y}\) to quantify how they vary together1

\[s_{X,Y}=E\big[(X-\bar{X})(Y-\bar{Y}) \big]\]

  • Intuition: if \(x_i\) is above the mean of \(X\), would we expect the associated \(y_i\):
    • to be above the mean of \(Y\) also \((X\) and \(Y\) covary positively)
    • to be below the mean of \(Y\) \((X\) and \(Y\) covary negatively)
  • Covariance is a common measure, but the units are meaningless, thus we rarely need to use it so don’t worry about learning the formula

Covariance, in R

econfreedom %>%
  summarize(covariance = cov(ef, gdp))
# A tibble: 1 × 1
1      8923.

8923 what, exactly?


  • Better to standardize covariance into a more intuitive concept: correlation, \(r_{X,Y}\) \(\in [-1, 1]\)

\[r_{X,Y}=\frac{s_{X,Y}}{s_X s_Y}=\frac{cov(X,Y)}{sd(X)sd(Y)}\]

  • Simply weight covariance by the product of the standard deviations of \(X\) and \(Y\)
  • Alternatively, take the average1 of the product of standardized \((Z\)-scores for) each \((x_i,y_i)\) pair:2

\[\begin{align*} r&=\frac{1}{n-1}\sum^n_{i=1}\bigg(\frac{x_i-\bar{X}}{s_X}\bigg)\bigg(\frac{y_i-\bar{Y}}{s_Y}\bigg)\\ r&=\frac{1}{n-1}\sum^n_{i=1}Z_XZ_Y\\ \end{align*}\]

Correlation: Interpretation

  • Correlation is standardized to

\[-1 \leq r \leq 1\]

  • Negative values \(\implies\) negative association

  • Positive values \(\implies\) positive association

  • Correlation of 0 \(\implies\) no association

  • As \(|r| \rightarrow 1 \implies\) the stronger the association

  • Correlation of \(|r|=1 \implies\) perfectly linear

Guess the Correlation!

Guess the Correlation Game

Correlation and Covariance in R

econfreedom %>%
  summarize(covariance = cov(ef, gdp),
            correlation = cor(ef, gdp))
# A tibble: 1 × 2
  covariance correlation
       <dbl>       <dbl>
1      8923.       0.587

Correlation and Endogeneity

  • Your Occasional Reminder: Correlation does not imply causation!

    • I’ll show you the difference in a few weeks (when we can actually talk about causation)
  • If \(X\) and \(Y\) are strongly correlated, \(X\) can still be endogenous!

  • See today’s appendix page for more on Covariance and Correlation

Always Plot Your Data!

Linear Regression

Fitting a Line to Data

  • If an association appears linear, we can estimate the equation of a line that would “fit” the data

\[Y = a + bX\]

  • A linear equation describing a line has two parameters:
    • \(a\): vertical intercept
    • \(b\): slope

Fitting a Line to Data

  • If an association appears linear, we can estimate the equation of a line that would “fit” the data

\[Y = a + bX\]

  • A linear equation describing a line has two parameters:
    • \(a\): vertical intercept
    • \(b\): slope
  • How do we choose the equation that best fits the data?

Fitting a Line to Data

  • If an association appears linear, we can estimate the equation of a line that would “fit” the data

\[Y = a + bX\]

  • A linear equation describing a line has two parameters:

    • \(a\): vertical intercept
    • \(b\): slope
  • How do we choose the equation that best fits the data?

  • This process is called linear regression

Population Linear Regression Model

  • Linear regression lets us estimate the slope of the population regression line between \(X\) and \(Y\) using sample data

  • We can make statistical inferences about what the true population slope coefficient is

    • eventually & hopefully: a causal inference
  • \(\text{slope}=\frac{\Delta Y}{\Delta X}\): for a 1-unit change in \(X\), how many units will this cause \(Y\) to change?

Class Size Example


What is the relationship between class size and educational performance?

Class Size Example: Data Import

# Load the Data

# install.packages("haven") # install for first use

# Packages
library("haven") # load for importing .dta files

# Import and save as ca_school

ca_school <- read_dta("../files/data/caschool.dta")

Data are student-teacher-ratio and average test scores on Stanford 9 Achievement Test for 5th grade students for 420 K-6 and K-8 school districts in California in 1999, (Stock and Watson, 2015: p. 141)

Class Size Example: Data

ca_school %>%
Rows: 420
Columns: 21
$ observat <dbl> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18…
$ dist_cod <dbl> 75119, 61499, 61549, 61457, 61523, 62042, 68536, 63834, 62331…
$ county   <chr> "Alameda", "Butte", "Butte", "Butte", "Butte", "Fresno", "San…
$ district <chr> "Sunol Glen Unified", "Manzanita Elementary", "Thermalito Uni…
$ gr_span  <chr> "KK-08", "KK-08", "KK-08", "KK-08", "KK-08", "KK-08", "KK-08"…
$ enrl_tot <dbl> 195, 240, 1550, 243, 1335, 137, 195, 888, 379, 2247, 446, 987…
$ teachers <dbl> 10.90, 11.15, 82.90, 14.00, 71.50, 6.40, 10.00, 42.50, 19.00,…
$ calw_pct <dbl> 0.5102, 15.4167, 55.0323, 36.4754, 33.1086, 12.3188, 12.9032,…
$ meal_pct <dbl> 2.0408, 47.9167, 76.3226, 77.0492, 78.4270, 86.9565, 94.6237,…
$ computer <dbl> 67, 101, 169, 85, 171, 25, 28, 66, 35, 0, 86, 56, 25, 0, 31, …
$ testscr  <dbl> 690.80, 661.20, 643.60, 647.70, 640.85, 605.55, 606.75, 609.0…
$ comp_stu <dbl> 0.34358975, 0.42083332, 0.10903226, 0.34979424, 0.12808989, 0…
$ expn_stu <dbl> 6384.911, 5099.381, 5501.955, 7101.831, 5235.988, 5580.147, 5…
$ str      <dbl> 17.88991, 21.52466, 18.69723, 17.35714, 18.67133, 21.40625, 1…
$ avginc   <dbl> 22.690001, 9.824000, 8.978000, 8.978000, 9.080333, 10.415000,…
$ el_pct   <dbl> 0.000000, 4.583333, 30.000002, 0.000000, 13.857677, 12.408759…
$ read_scr <dbl> 691.6, 660.5, 636.3, 651.9, 641.8, 605.7, 604.5, 605.5, 608.9…
$ math_scr <dbl> 690.0, 661.9, 650.9, 643.5, 639.9, 605.4, 609.0, 612.5, 616.1…
$ aowijef  <dbl> 35.77982, 43.04933, 37.39445, 34.71429, 37.34266, 42.81250, 3…
$ es_pct   <dbl> 1.000000, 3.583333, 29.000002, 1.000000, 12.857677, 11.408759…
$ es_frac  <dbl> 0.01000000, 0.03583334, 0.29000002, 0.01000000, 0.12857677, 0…

Class Size Example: Data

Class Size Example: Scatterplot

ggplot(data = ca_school)+
  aes(x = str,
      y = testscr)+
  geom_point(color = "blue")+
  labs(x = "Student to Teacher Ratio",
       y = "Test Score")+
  theme_bw(base_family = "Fira Sans Condensed",
           base_size = 20)

Class Size Example: Slope I

  • If we change \((\Delta)\) the class size by an amount, what would we expect the change in test scores to be?

\[\beta = \frac{\text{change in test score}}{\text{change in class size}} = \frac{\Delta \text{test score}}{\Delta \text{class size}}\]

  • If we knew \(\beta\), we could say that changing class size by 1 student will change test scores by \(\beta\)

Class Size Example: Slope II

  • Rearranging:

\[\Delta \text{test score} = \beta \times \Delta \text{class size}\]

Class Size Example: Slope III

  • Rearranging:

\[\Delta \text{test score} = \beta \times \Delta \text{class size}\]

  • Suppose \(\beta=-0.6\). If we shrank class size by 2 students, our model predicts:

\[\begin{align*} \Delta \text{test score} &= -2 \times \beta\\ \Delta \text{test score} &= -2 \times -0.6\\ \Delta \text{test score}&= 1.2 \\ \end{align*}\]

Test scores would improve by 1.2 points, on average.

Class Size Example: Slope and Average Effect

\[\text{test score} = \beta_0 + \beta_{1} \times \text{class size}\]

  • The line relating class size and test scores has the above equation

  • \(\beta_0\) is the vertical-intercept, test score where class size is 0

  • \(\beta_{1}\) is the slope of the regression line

  • This relationship only holds on average for all districts in the population, individual districts are also affected by other factors

Class Size Example: Marginal Effect

  • To get an equation that holds for each district, we need to include other factors

\[\text{test score} = \beta_0 + \beta_1 \text{class size}+\text{other factors}\]

  • For now, we will ignore these until Unit III

  • Thus, \(\beta_0 + \beta_1 \text{class size}\) gives the average effect of class sizes on scores

  • Later, we will want to estimate the marginal effect (causal effect) of each factor on an individual district’s test score, holding all other factors constant

Econometric Models: Overview I

\[Y = \beta_0 + \beta_1 X + u\]

  • \(Y\) is the dependent variable of interest
    • AKA “response variable,” “regressand,” “Left-hand side (LHS) variable”
  • \(X_1\) is an independent variable
    • AKA “explanatory variable”, “regressor,” “Right-hand side (RHS) variable”, “covariate”
  • Our data consists of a spreadsheet of observed values of \((X_{1i}, X_{2i}, Y_i)\)

Econometric Models: Overview II

\[Y = \beta_0 + \beta_1 X + u\]

  • To model, we “regress Y on \(X_1\)
  • \(\beta_0\) and \(\beta_1\) are parameters that describe the population relationships between the variables
    • unknown! to be estimated
  • \(u\) is a random error term
    • ’U’nobservable, we can’t measure it, and must model with assumptions about it

The Population Regression Model

  • How do we draw a line through the scatterplot? We do not know the “true” \(\beta_0\) or \(\beta_1\)

  • We do have data from a sample of class sizes and test scores

  • So the real question is, how can we estimate \(\beta_0\) and \(\beta_1\)?

Deriving OLS Estimators

Actual, Predicted, and Residual Values

  • With a simple linear regression model, for each associated \(X\) value, we have
  1. The observed (or actual) values of \(\color{#0047AB}{Y_i}\)

Actual, Predicted, and Residual Values

  • With a simple linear regression model, for each associated \(X\) value, we have
  1. The observed (or actual) values of \(\color{#0047AB}{Y_i}\)
  2. Predicted (or fitted) values, \(\color{#047806}{\hat{Y}_i}\)

Actual, Predicted, and Residual Values

  • With a simple linear regression model, for each associated \(X\) value, we have
  1. The observed (or actual) values of \(\color{#0047AB}{Y_i}\)
  2. Predicted (or fitted) values, \(\color{#047806}{\hat{Y}_i}\)
  3. The residual (or error), \(\color{#D7250E}{\hat{u}_i}=\color{#0047AB}{Y_i}-\color{#047806}{\hat{Y}_i}\) … the difference between predicted and observed values

\[\begin{align*} \color{#0047AB}{Y_i} &= \color{#047806}{\hat{Y}_i} + \color{#D7250E}{\hat{u}_i} \\ \color{#0047AB}{\text{Observed}_i} &= \color{#047806}{\text{Model}_i} + \color{#D7250E}{\text{Error}_i} \\ \end{align*}\]

Deriving OLS Estimators

  • Take the residuals \(\color{#D7250E}{\hat{u}_i}\) and square them (why)?

Deriving OLS Estimators

  • Take the residuals \(\color{#D7250E}{\hat{u}_i}\) and square them (why)?

  • The regression line minimizes the sum of the squared residuals (SSR)

\[SSR = \sum^n_{i=1} \color{#D7250E}{\hat{u}_i}^2\]

O-rdinary L-east S-quares Estimators

  • The Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) estimators of the unknown population parameters \(\beta_0\) and \(\beta_1\), solve the calculus problem:

\[\min_{\beta_0, \beta_1} \sum^n_{i=1}[\underbrace{Y_i-(\underbrace{\beta_0+\beta_1 X_i}_{\hat{Y_i}})}_{\hat{u_i}}]^2\]

  • Intuitively, OLS estimators minimize the sum of the squared residuals (distance between the actual values \(Y_i\) and the predicted values \(\hat{Y_i}\)) along the estimated regression line

The OLS Regression Line

  • The OLS regression line or sample regression line is the linear function constructed using the OLS estimators:


  • \(\hat{\beta_0}\) and \(\hat{\beta_1}\) (“beta 0 hat” & “beta 1 hat”) are the OLS estimators of population parameters \(\beta_0\) and \(\beta_1\) using sample data
  • The predicted value of Y given X, based on the regression, is \(E(Y_i|X_i)=\hat{Y_i}\)
  • The residual or prediction error for the \(i^{th}\) observation is the difference between observed \(Y_i\) and its predicted value, \(\hat{u_i}=Y_i-\hat{Y_i}\)

The OLS Regression Estimators

  • The solution to the SSE minimization problem yields:1


\[\hat{\beta}_1=\frac{\displaystyle\sum^n_{i=1}(X_i-\bar{X})(Y_i-\bar{Y})}{\displaystyle\sum^n_{i=1}(X_i-\bar{X})^2}=\frac{s_{XY}}{s^2_X}= \frac{cov(X,Y)}{var(X)}\]

(Some) Properties of OLS

  1. The regression line goes through the “center of mass” point \((\bar{X},\bar{Y})\)
  • Again, \(\hat{\beta}_0= \bar{Y}-\hat{\beta}_1 \bar{X}\)
  1. The slope, \(\hat{\beta}_1\) has the same sign as the correlation coefficient \(r_{X,Y}\), and is related


  1. The residuals sum and average to zero

\[\begin{align*} \sum^n_{i=1} \hat{u}_i &= 0\\ \mathbb{E}[\hat{u}] &= 0 \\ \end{align*}\]

  1. The residuals and \(X\) are uncorrelated

Our Class Size Example in R

Class Size Scatterplot (Again)

  • There is some true (unknown) population relationship:

\[\text{test score}_i=\beta_0+\beta_1 str_i\]

  • \(\beta_1=\frac{\Delta \text{test score}}{\Delta \text{str}}= ??\)

Class Size Scatterplot with Regression Line

  geom_smooth(method = "lm", color = "red")

Linear Regression in R I

# run regression of testscr on str
school_reg <- lm(testscr ~ str, 
                 data = ca_school)

Format for regression is lm(y ~ x, data = df)

  • y is dependent variable (listed first!)

  • ~ means “is modeled by” or “is explained by”

  • x is the independent variable

  • df is name of dataframe where data is stored

This is base R (there’s no good tidyverse way to do this yet…ish1)

Linear Regression in R II

# look at reg object

lm(formula = testscr ~ str, data = ca_school)

(Intercept)          str  
     698.93        -2.28  
  • Stored as an lm object called school_reg, a type of list object

Linear Regression in R II

# get full summary
school_reg %>% summary()

lm(formula = testscr ~ str, data = ca_school)

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-47.727 -14.251   0.483  12.822  48.540 

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept) 698.9330     9.4675  73.825  < 2e-16 ***
str          -2.2798     0.4798  -4.751 2.78e-06 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 18.58 on 418 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.05124,   Adjusted R-squared:  0.04897 
F-statistic: 22.58 on 1 and 418 DF,  p-value: 2.783e-06
  • Looking at the summary, there’s a lot of information here!

  • These objects are cumbersome, come from a much older, pre-tidyverse era of base R

  • Luckily, we now have some more tidy ways of working with regression output!

Tidy Regression with broom

  • The broom package allows us to work with regression objects as tidier tibbles

  • Several useful commands:

Command Does
tidy() Create tibble of regression coefficients & stats
glance() Create tibble of regression fit statistics
augment() Create tibble of data with regression-based variables

Tidy Regression with broom: tidy()

  • The tidy() function creates a tidy tibble of regression output
# load packages

# tidy regression output
school_reg %>% 
# A tibble: 2 × 5
  term        estimate std.error statistic   p.value
  <chr>          <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>
1 (Intercept)   699.       9.47      73.8  6.57e-242
2 str            -2.28     0.480     -4.75 2.78e-  6

Tidy Regression with broom: tidy()

  • The tidy() function creates a tidy tibble of regression output…with confidence intervals
# load packages

# tidy regression output
school_reg %>%
  tidy(conf.int = TRUE)
# A tibble: 2 × 7
  term        estimate std.error statistic   p.value conf.low conf.high
  <chr>          <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>
1 (Intercept)   699.       9.47      73.8  6.57e-242   680.      718.  
2 str            -2.28     0.480     -4.75 2.78e-  6    -3.22     -1.34

Tidy Regression with broom: glance()

  • glance() shows us a lot of overall regression statistics and diagnostics
    • We’ll interpret these in next class and beyond
# look at regression statistics and diagnostics
school_reg %>% 
# A tibble: 1 × 12
  r.squ…¹ adj.r…² sigma stati…³ p.value    df logLik   AIC   BIC devia…⁴ df.re…⁵
    <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>   <int>
1  0.0512  0.0490  18.6    22.6 2.78e-6     1 -1822. 3650. 3663. 144315.     418
# … with 1 more variable: nobs <int>, and abbreviated variable names
#   ¹​r.squared, ²​adj.r.squared, ³​statistic, ⁴​deviance, ⁵​df.residual

Tidy Regression with broom: augment()

  • augment() creates a new tibble with the data \((X,Y)\) and regression-based variables, including:
    • .fitted are fitted (predicted) values from model, i.e. \(\hat{Y}_i\)
    • .resid are residuals (errors) from model, i.e. \(\hat{u}_i\)
# add regression-based values to data
school_reg %>% 
# A tibble: 420 × 8
   testscr   str .fitted .resid    .hat .sigma  .cooksd .std.resid
     <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>    <dbl>      <dbl>
 1    691.  17.9    658.   32.7 0.00442   18.5 0.00689       1.76 
 2    661.  21.5    650.   11.3 0.00475   18.6 0.000893      0.612
 3    644.  18.7    656.  -12.7 0.00297   18.6 0.000700     -0.685
 4    648.  17.4    659.  -11.7 0.00586   18.6 0.00117      -0.629
 5    641.  18.7    656.  -15.5 0.00301   18.6 0.00105      -0.836
 6    606.  21.4    650.  -44.6 0.00446   18.5 0.0130       -2.40 
 7    607.  19.5    654.  -47.7 0.00239   18.5 0.00794      -2.57 
 8    609   20.9    651.  -42.3 0.00343   18.5 0.00895      -2.28 
 9    612.  19.9    653.  -41.0 0.00244   18.5 0.00597      -2.21 
10    613.  20.8    652.  -38.9 0.00329   18.5 0.00723      -2.09 
# … with 410 more rows

Class Size Regression Result

  • Using OLS, we find:

\[\widehat{\text{test score}_i}=689.93-2.28 \, str_i\]

  • \(\hat{\beta_0} = 689.93\): test score for \(str=0\)
  • \(\hat{\beta_1} = -2.28\): for every 1 unit change in \(str\), \(\hat{\text{test_score}}\) changes by -2.28 points

\[\text{test score}_i = 689.93 - 2.28 \, str_i + \hat{u}_i\]

Class Size Regression Residuals

.resid = testscr - .fitted

\[\hat{u}_i = \text{test score}_i - \widehat{\text{test score}}_i\]

\[\hat{u}_i = \text{test score}_i - (689.93-2.28 \, str_i)\]

Class Size Regression: Fitted and Residual Values

aug_reg <- school_reg %>% 

aug_reg %>% 
  dplyr::select(testscr, str, .fitted, .resid)
# A tibble: 420 × 4
   testscr   str .fitted .resid
     <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>
 1    691.  17.9    658.   32.7
 2    661.  21.5    650.   11.3
 3    644.  18.7    656.  -12.7
 4    648.  17.4    659.  -11.7
 5    641.  18.7    656.  -15.5
 6    606.  21.4    650.  -44.6
 7    607.  19.5    654.  -47.7
 8    609   20.9    651.  -42.3
 9    612.  19.9    653.  -41.0
10    613.  20.8    652.  -38.9
# … with 410 more rows

testscr = .fitted + .resid

Class Size Regression: An Example Data Point I

  • One district in our sample is Richmond Elementary
aug_reg %>%
  slice(355) #

Class Size Regression: An Example Data Point II

  • .fitted value:

\[\widehat{\text{Test Score}}_{\text{Richmond}}=698-2.28(22) \approx 648\]

  • .resid value:

\[\hat{u}_{Richmond}=672-648 \approx 24\]

Class Size Regression: An Example Data Point III

Making Predictions

  • We can use the regression model to make a prediction for a particular \(x_i\)


Suppose we have a school district with a student/teacher ratio of 18. What is the predicted average district test score?

\[\begin{align*} \widehat{\text{test score}_i} &= \hat{\beta_0}+\hat{\beta_1} \, \text{str}_i \\ &= 698.93 - 2.28 (18)\\ &= 657.89\\ \end{align*}\]

Making Predictions In R

  • We can do this in R with the predict()1 function, which requires (at least) two inputs:
    1. An lm object (saved regression)
    2. newdata with \(X\) value(s) to predict \(\hat{Y}\) for, as a data.frame (or tibble)
some_district <- tibble(str = 18) # make a dataframe of "new data"'

some_district # look at it just to see
# A tibble: 1 × 1
1    18

predict(school_reg, # regression lm object
        newdata = some_district) # a dataframe of new data)

Making Predictions In R, Manually I

  • Of course we could do it ourselves…
# save tidied regression

tidy_reg <- tidy(school_reg)

# look at it, again
# A tibble: 2 × 5
  term        estimate std.error statistic   p.value
  <chr>          <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>
1 (Intercept)   699.       9.47      73.8  6.57e-242
2 str            -2.28     0.480     -4.75 2.78e-  6

Making Predictions In R, Manually II

  • Of course we could do it ourselves…
# extract and save beta_0
beta_0 <- tidy_reg %>%
  filter(term == "(Intercept)") %>%

# check it 
[1] 698.933

Making Predictions In R, Manually II

  • Of course we could do it ourselves…
# extract and save beta_1
beta_1 <- tidy_reg %>%
  filter(term == "str") %>%
# check it
[1] -2.279808

# predict for str = 18
beta_0 + beta_1 * 18
[1] 657.8964