2.5 — Precision and Diagnostics

ECON 480 • Econometrics • Fall 2022

Dr. Ryan Safner
Associate Professor of Economics



Variation in \(\hat{\beta}_1\)

Presenting Regression Results

Diagnostics About Regression



The Sampling Distribution of \(\hat{\beta_1}\)

\[\hat{\beta_1} \sim N(\mathbb{E}[\hat{\beta_1}], \sigma_{\hat{\beta_1}})\]

The Sampling Distribution of \(\hat{\beta_1}\)

\[\hat{\beta_1} \sim N(\mathbb{E}[\hat{\beta_1}], \sigma_{\hat{\beta_1}})\]

  1. Center1 of the distribution: \(\mathbb{E}[\hat{\beta_1}]\) (last class)

The Sampling Distribution of \(\hat{\beta_1}\)

\[\hat{\beta_1} \sim N(\mathbb{E}[\hat{\beta_1}], \sigma_{\hat{\beta_1}})\]

  1. Center1 of the distribution: \(\mathbb{E}[\hat{\beta_1}]\) (last class)

  2. Precision or uncertainty of the estimate (today)

    • Variance \(\sigma^2_{\hat{\beta}_1}\)
    • Standard error2 \(\sigma_{\hat{\beta}_1} = \sqrt{var(\hat{\beta}_1)}\)

The Sampling Distribution of \(\hat{\beta_1}\)

\[\hat{\beta_1} \sim N(\mathbb{E}[\hat{\beta_1}], \sigma_{\hat{\beta_1}})\]

  1. Center1 of the distribution: \(\mathbb{E}[\hat{\beta_1}]\) (last class)

  2. Precision or uncertainty of the estimate (today)

    • Variance \(\sigma^2_{\hat{\beta}_1}\)
    • Standard error2 \(\sigma_{\hat{\beta}_1} = \sqrt{var(\hat{\beta}_1)}\)

Variation in \(\hat{\beta}_1\)

What Affects Variation in \(\hat{\beta_1}\)

\[var(\hat{\beta_1})=\frac{(SER)^2}{n \times var(X)}\]

\[se(\hat{\beta_1})=\sqrt{var(\hat{\beta_1})} = \frac{SER}{\sqrt{n} \times sd(X)}\]

  • Variation in \(\hat{\beta_1}\) is affected by 3 things:
  1. Goodness of fit of the model (SER)1
    • Larger \(SER\) \(\rightarrow\) larger \(var(\hat{\beta_1})\)
  2. Sample size, n
    • Larger \(n\) \(\rightarrow\) smaller \(var(\hat{\beta_1})\)
  3. Variance of X
    • Larger \(var(X)\) \(\rightarrow\) smaller \(var(\hat{\beta_1})\)

Variation in \(\hat{\beta_1}\): Goodness of Fit

Variation in \(\hat{\beta_1}\): Sample Size

Variation in \(\hat{\beta_1}\): Variation in \(X\)

Presenting Regression Results

Our Class Size Regression

school_reg %>% summary()

lm(formula = testscr ~ str, data = ca_school)

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-47.727 -14.251   0.483  12.822  48.540 

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept) 698.9330     9.4675  73.825  < 2e-16 ***
str          -2.2798     0.4798  -4.751 2.78e-06 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 18.58 on 418 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.05124,   Adjusted R-squared:  0.04897 
F-statistic: 22.58 on 1 and 418 DF,  p-value: 2.783e-06
  • How can we present all of this information in a tidy way?

Our Class Size Regression

school_reg %>% tidy()
term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) 698.932952 9.4674914 73.824514 0.0e+00
str -2.279808 0.4798256 -4.751327 2.8e-06

school_reg %>% glance()
r.squared adj.r.squared sigma statistic p.value df logLik AIC BIC deviance df.residual nobs
0.0512401 0.0489703 18.58097 22.57511 2.8e-06 1 -1822.25 3650.499 3662.62 144315.5 418 420
  • Better (?), but still not how you see regressions reported in reports…especially when you have many regression models!

Regression Tables

  • Professional journals and papers often have a regression table, including:
    • Estimates of \(\hat{\beta_0}\) and \(\hat{\beta_1}\)
    • Standard errors of \(\hat{\beta_0}\) and \(\hat{\beta_1}\) (often below, in parentheses)
    • Indications of statistical significance (often with asterisks)
    • Measures of regression fit: \(R^2\), \(SER\), etc
  • Later: multiple rows & columns for multiple variables & models
Test Score
Constant 698.93***
STR −2.28***
n 420
R2 0.05
SER 18.54
* p < 0.1, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01

Regression Output Tables

Test Score
Constant 698.93***
STR −2.28***
n 420
R2 0.05
SER 18.54
* p < 0.1, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01

Using modelsummary I

  • You will need to first install.packages("modelsummary")

  • Load with library(modelsummary)

  • Command: modelsummary()

  • Main argument is the name of your lm regression object

  • Default output is fine, but often we want to customize a bit!

# install.packages("modelsummary") # install first!
# load package

modelsummary(school_reg) # our regression
Model 1
(Intercept) 698.933
str −2.280
Num.Obs. 420
R2 0.051
R2 Adj. 0.049
AIC 3650.5
BIC 3662.6
F 22.575
RMSE 18.54

Using modelsummary II

  • Whole command is modelsummary(), everything will go in ()
  1. models, a list() of models to use, can give a name to each model, will show up as column title in table
models = list("Test Score" = school_reg) # set name to "Test Score"
  1. coef_rename if you want to rename any independent variables as something nicer than their names in the dataset
    • "old name" = "new name" (yes annoying!)
coef_rename = list("(Intercept)" = "Constant",
                   "str" = "Student Teacher Ratio")

Using modelsummary III

  • Whole command is modelsummary(), everything will go in ()
  1. gof_map: a list() of goodness of fit statistics, can customize what you want to include/exclude, what you want to label them in the table…a bit advanced, here’s what I like:
gof_map = list(
  list("raw" = "nobs", "clean" = "n", "fmt" = 0),
  list("raw" = "r.squared", "clean" = "R<sup>2</sup>", "fmt" = 2),
  #list("raw" = "adj.r.squared", "clean" = "Adj. R<sup>2</sup>", "fmt" = 2), # we'll want this later!
  list("raw" = "rmse", "clean" = "SER", "fmt" = 2)
  1. Other minor options (combine with commas):
fmt = 2, # round to 2 decimals
output = "html" # depending on type of document creating; pdf would be "latex"
escape = FALSE # allows formatting of things like <sup>2</sup>
stars = c('*' = .1, '**' = .05, '***' = 0.01) # show significance levels if set to true, I don't like the defaults so I set my own

Using modelsummary IV

modelsummary(models = list("Test Score" = school_reg),
             fmt = 2, # round to 2 decimals
             output = "html",
             coef_rename = c("(Intercept)" = "Constant",
                             "str" = "STR"),
             gof_map = list(
               list("raw" = "nobs", "clean" = "n", "fmt" = 0),
               list("raw" = "r.squared", "clean" = "R<sup>2</sup>", "fmt" = 2),
               #list("raw" = "adj.r.squared", "clean" = "Adj. R<sup>2</sup>", "fmt" = 2),
               list("raw" = "rmse", "clean" = "SER", "fmt" = 2)
             escape = FALSE,
             stars = c('*' = .1, '**' = .05, '***' = 0.01)
Test Score
Constant 698.93***
STR −2.28***
n 420
R2 0.05
SER 18.54
* p < 0.1, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01

modelplot() in modelsummary

Also nice about the modelsummary package is the command modelplot()


modelplot() in modelsummary

Also nice about the modelsummary package is the command modelplot()

          coef_omit = 'Intercept') # don't show intercept

Though You Could Make It Yourself in ggplot

  • Use the conf.low and conf.high (from a tidy regression) as xmin and xmax aesthetics inside geom_errorbarh().
school_reg %>%
  tidy(conf.int = TRUE) %>%
  filter(term == "str") %>%
  aes(x = estimate,
      y = term)+
  geom_point(size = 3)+
  geom_errorbarh(aes(xmin = conf.low, xmax = conf.high),
                 height = 0.1)+ # height of whiskers

Diagnostics About Regression

Diagnostics: Residuals I

  • We often look at the residuals of a regression to get more insight about its goodness of fit and its bias

  • Recall broom’s augment creates some useful new variables

    • .fitted are fitted (predicted) values from model, i.e. \(\hat{Y}_i\)
    • .resid are residuals (errors) from model, i.e. \(\hat{u}_i\)

Diagnostics: Residuals II

  • Often a good idea to store in a new object (so we can make some plots)
aug_reg <- augment(school_reg)

aug_reg %>% head()
testscr str .fitted .resid .hat .sigma .cooksd .std.resid
690.80 17.88991 658.1474 32.65260 0.0044244 18.53408 0.0068925 1.7612148
661.20 21.52466 649.8608 11.33917 0.0047485 18.59490 0.0008927 0.6117112
643.60 18.69723 656.3069 -12.70689 0.0029742 18.59279 0.0006996 -0.6848850
647.70 17.35714 659.3620 -11.66198 0.0058575 18.59441 0.0011673 -0.6294767
640.85 18.67133 656.3659 -15.51592 0.0030072 18.58766 0.0010548 -0.8363024
605.55 21.40625 650.1308 -44.58076 0.0044603 18.47411 0.0129531 -2.4046387

Recall: Assumptions about Errors

  • We make 4 critical assumptions about \(u\):
  1. The expected value of the errors is 0


  1. The variance of the errors over \(X\) is constant:


  1. Errors are not correlated across observations:

\[cor(u_i,u_j)=0 \quad \forall i \neq j\]

  1. There is no correlation between \(X\) and the error term:

\[cor(X, u)=0 \text{ or } E[u|X]=0\]

Assumptions 1 and 2: Errors are i.i.d.

  • Assumptions 1 and 2 assume that errors are coming from the same (normal) distribution

\[u \sim N(0, \sigma_u)\]

  • Assumption 1: \(E[u]=0\)
  • Assumption 2: \(sd(u|X)=\sigma_u\)
    • virtually always unknown…
  • We often can visually check by plotting a histogram of \(u\)

Plotting a Histogram of Residuals

ggplot(data = aug_reg)+
  aes(x = .resid)+
  geom_histogram(color="white", fill = "pink")+
  labs(x = expression(paste("Residual, ", hat(u))))+
  scale_y_continuous(limits = c(20, 40),
                     expand = c(0,0))+
  theme_light(base_family = "Fira Sans Condensed",

Checking the Distribution of Residuals

school_reg %>% summary()

lm(formula = testscr ~ str, data = ca_school)

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-47.727 -14.251   0.483  12.822  48.540 

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept) 698.9330     9.4675  73.825  < 2e-16 ***
str          -2.2798     0.4798  -4.751 2.78e-06 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 18.58 on 418 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.05124,   Adjusted R-squared:  0.04897 
F-statistic: 22.58 on 1 and 418 DF,  p-value: 2.783e-06
aug_reg %>%
  summarize(E_u = mean(.resid),
            sd_u = sd(.resid))
E_u sd_u
0 18.55878

Residual Plot

  • We often plot a residual plot to see any odd patterns about residuals
    • \(x\)-axis are \(\hat{Y}_i\) values (.fitted)
    • \(y\)-axis are \(u_i\) values (.resid)

ggplot(data = aug_reg)+
  aes(x = .fitted,
      y = .resid)+
  geom_point(color = "blue")+
  geom_hline(aes(yintercept = 0), color = "red")+
  labs(x = expression(paste("Predicted Test Score,", hat(y)[i])),
       y = expression(paste("Residual, ", hat(u)[i])))+
  theme_light(base_family = "Fira Sans Condensed",
           base_size = 20)



  • Homoskedasticity:” variance of the residuals over \(X\) is constant, written:


  • Knowing the value of \(X\) does not affect the variance (spread) of the errors

Heteroskedasticity I

  • Heteroskedasticity:” variance of the residuals over \(X\) is NOT constant:

\[var(u|X) \neq \sigma^2_{u}\]

  • This does not cause \(\hat{\beta_1}\) to be biased, but it does cause the standard error of \(\hat{\beta_1}\) to be incorrect

  • This does cause a problem for inference!

    • Specifically, it will make \(se(\hat{\beta}_1)\) wrong (often too small)1

Heteroskedasticity II

  • Recall the formula for the standard error of \(\hat{\beta_1}\):

\[se(\hat{\beta_1})=\sqrt{var(\hat{\beta_1})} = \frac{SER}{\sqrt{n} \times sd(X)}\]

  • This assumes homoskedasticity (Assumption 2)

Heteroskedasticity III

  • A better formula for estimating standard errors that are robust to heteroskedasticity (called “robust standard errors”):


  • Don’t learn formula, do learn what heteroskedasticity is and how it affects our model!

Visualizing Heteroskedasticity I

  • Our original scatterplot with regression line

  • Does the spread of the errors change over different values of \(str\)?

    • No: homoskedastic
    • Yes: heteroskedastic

Visualizing Heteroskedasticity

  • Notice the distribution of \(\hat{u}\), changes for different values of STR, and \(\sigma_{\hat{u}}\) is not constant

More Obvious Heteroskedasticity

  • Visual cue: data is “fan-shaped”
    • Data points are closer to line in some areas
    • Data points are more spread from line in other areas

More Obvious Heteroskedasticity

What Might Cause Heteroskedastic Errors?


What Might Cause Heteroskedastic Errors?


What Might Cause Heteroskedastic Errors?


Intercept −0.90
Years of Schooling 0.54***
n 526
R2 0.16
SER 3.37
* p < 0.1, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01

What Might Cause Heteroskedastic Errors?

Detecting Heteroskedasticity I

  • Several tests to check if data is heteroskedastic
  • One common test is Breusch-Pagan test
  • Can use the lmtest package’s function bptest()
    • \(H_0\): homoskedastic1
    • If \(p\)-value < 0.05, reject \(H_0\implies\) heteroskedastic
school_reg %>% bptest()

    studentized Breusch-Pagan test

data:  .
BP = 5.7936, df = 1, p-value = 0.01608
  • Since \(p<0.05\), can reject \(H_0\) that errors are homoskedastic and conclude they are heteroskedastic

How About the Wages Regression?

wage_reg %>% bptest()

    studentized Breusch-Pagan test

data:  .
BP = 15.306, df = 1, p-value = 9.144e-05

Fixing Heteroskedasticity I

  • Heteroskedasticity is easy to fix with software that can calculate robust standard errors (using the more complicated formula above)
  • Easiest method is to use estimatr package
    • lm_robust() command (instead of lm) to run regression
    • set se_type = "stata" to calculate robust SEs using the formula above1

Fixing Heteroskedasticity II

school_reg_robust <- lm_robust(testscr ~ str, data = ca_school,
                              se_type = "stata")

              Estimate Std. Error   t value      Pr(>|t|)   CI Lower   CI Upper
(Intercept) 698.932952 10.3643599 67.436191 9.486678e-227 678.560192 719.305713
str          -2.279808  0.5194892 -4.388557  1.446737e-05  -3.300945  -1.258671
(Intercept) 418
str         418

school_reg_robust %>% summary()

lm_robust(formula = testscr ~ str, data = ca_school, se_type = "stata")

Standard error type:  HC1 

            Estimate Std. Error t value   Pr(>|t|) CI Lower CI Upper  DF
(Intercept)   698.93    10.3644  67.436 9.487e-227  678.560  719.306 418
str            -2.28     0.5195  -4.389  1.447e-05   -3.301   -1.259 418

Multiple R-squared:  0.05124 ,  Adjusted R-squared:  0.04897 
F-statistic: 19.26 on 1 and 418 DF,  p-value: 1.447e-05

Fixing Heteroskedasticity III

# can tidy, glance, augment, etc
school_reg_robust %>% tidy()
term estimate std.error statistic p.value conf.low conf.high df outcome
(Intercept) 698.932952 10.3643599 67.436191 0.00e+00 678.560192 719.305713 418 testscr
str -2.279808 0.5194892 -4.388557 1.45e-05 -3.300945 -1.258671 418 testscr

school_reg_robust %>% glance()
r.squared adj.r.squared statistic p.value df.residual nobs se_type
0.0512401 0.0489703 19.25943 1.45e-05 418 420 HC1

Showing The Effect of Heteroskedasticity (on \(se(\hat{\beta}_1)\))

modelsummary(models = list("Normal SE" = school_reg,
                           "Robust SE" = school_reg_robust),
             fmt = 2, # round to 2 decimals
             output = "html",
             coef_rename = c("(Intercept)" = "Constant",
                             "str" = "STR"),
             gof_map = list(
               list("raw" = "nobs", "clean" = "n", "fmt" = 0),
               list("raw" = "r.squared", "clean" = "R<sup>2</sup>", "fmt" = 2),
               #list("raw" = "adj.r.squared", "clean" = "Adj. R<sup>2</sup>", "fmt" = 2),
               list("raw" = "rmse", "clean" = "SER", "fmt" = 2)
             escape = FALSE,
             stars = c('*' = .1, '**' = .05, '***' = 0.01)
Normal SE Robust SE
Constant 698.93*** 698.93***
(9.47) (10.36)
STR −2.28*** −2.28***
(0.48) (0.52)
n 420 420
R2 0.05 0.05
SER 18.54 18.54
* p < 0.1, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01
  • What changed?


Outliers Can Bias OLS! I

  • Outliers can affect the slope (and intercept) of the line and add bias
    • May be result of human error (measurement, transcribing, etc)
    • May be meaningful and accurate
  • In any case, compare how including/dropping outliers affects regression and always discuss outliers!

Outliers Can Bias OLS! II

Outliers Can Bias OLS! II

Outliers Can Bias OLS! III

Original With Outliers
Constant 698.93*** 641.40***
(9.47) (11.21)
STR −2.28*** 0.71
(0.48) (0.57)
n 420 423
R2 0.05 0.00
SER 18.54 23.71
* p < 0.1, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01

Detecting Outliers

  • The car package has an outlierTest command to run on the regression
# install.packages("car")

# Use Bonferonni test 
outlierTest(school_outlier_reg) # will point out which obs #s seem outliers
    rstudent unadjusted p-value Bonferroni p
422 8.822768         3.0261e-17   1.2800e-14
423 7.233470         2.2493e-12   9.5147e-10
421 6.232045         1.1209e-09   4.7414e-07
# find these observations
ca_school_outliers %>%
  slice(c(422,423,421)) # find observations 422, 423, 421
observat district testscr str
422 Crazy District 2 850 28
423 Crazy District 3 820 29
421 Crazy District 1 800 30