2.2 — Random Variables & Distributions — Class Content
Problem Set 1 is due on Wednesday September 21.
Problem Set 2 is due on Wednesday September 28.
Today we finish your crash course/review of basic statistics with random variables and distributions.
- Math and Probability Background Appendix A in Bailey
Now that we return to the statistics, we will do a minimal overview of basic statistics and distributions. Review all of Bailey’s appendices.
Chapter 2 is optional, but will give you a good overview of using data.
See the online appendix for today’s content:
Below, you can find the slides in two formats. Clicking the image will bring you to the html version of the slides in a new tab. The lower button will allow you to download a PDF version of the slides.
I suggest printing the slides beforehand and using them to take additional notes in class (not everything is in the slides)!